Ayla Dmyterko

Distance of Sea, of Years

Distance of Sea, of Years (2019)

Total installation presented at the Glue Factory (Glasgow)
MFA Interim Show

Cross-stitched symbols melt onto waste canvas veiling current-day drone footage of the ongoing war in Ukraine. Wooden ladders reaching to a fabricated escape crack at the core. A collaged realist oil painting of google image searches of the 'homeland' and archival family photographs are cut apart and woven back together with vinok ribbons hung from a wooden window pole. An archival fascimile of a kilm, or woolen woven carpet is painted to size in oil on a thin piece of linen; it cannot function to keep warmth in, or as a contemporary painting, so it is rolled up into its own corner.

An installation with paintings, textiles and ladders is shown as a physical collage. The space they sit within is white and lit from above.

Distance of Sea, of Years